Monday, October 24, 2005

6. I love to drink coffee, tea and eat chocolate while watching t.v. and studying. I actually like to study while I watch T.V., and talk on the phone, and use my laptop. There is only enough time in one night, right?

7. I used to keep a diary all through school up to grade 9, which I would write in everynight, and would bring to school for my friend Kelsey to read, she would bring her diary too, and we would know everything about each other's day to day life.

8. I used to want to be a News Anchor just like Pamela Martin, who I got to meet and saw broadcast live during a field trip to CTV news station.

9. I am outgoing, friendly, and sensitive. Sometimes too sensitive though, but who isn't. At least I'm not insensitive.

10. I am afraid of sharks, and being in the Ocean at night, where I can't see the bottom and what is underneath me. This is why I won't watch the movie "Open Water" because I love snorkeling and fish!

I will write the other 10 next time. I have no more energy left tonight.


Susanne said...

Excellent list so far.

Lisa's Diet said...

Candice, we're going to be in Hawaii together, we're going all have to go swimming one night in the ocean. :)

Lisa's Diet said...

p.s When you think about it everyone has something the're sensitive about and that changes as we go through different things.

Candice said...

Lisa, you wont find me swimming in the Ocean "At night" no way Jose'!!!

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