Friday, September 19, 2008

Leaving tomorrow!

Well here I am again with a million things to do! Haven't started packing and it's the day before I leave for Australia for a month! Why do I always leave stuff like this to the last minute? Unlike July, when I found out two days before I was flown off to Europe... this time i've have actually had plenty of notice. The worst part is I am sitting at Lisa and Q's right now, blogging when I should be packing and running errands. My computer suddenly became deathly infected with viruses and I had to drive out here so my Hero Quentin could fix it!!! Thank goodness for good friends, and Lisa's homemade soup!! xox

From Sydney I will be working a month for P & O where I will be exploring the islands Vanuatu and New Caledonia! Here are a taste of the ports I will be visiting!South Pacific Regions I hope to update on here and post some pictures, so stay tuned!!

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