Thursday, October 13, 2005

cannot sleep


Ok so I think I had a bit too much coffee tonight, becuase It is almost 2am and I am not the least bit tired. I finished all my homework for the week, and I am just playing around with some picture editing on Picasa. This one is for you Ola.! Posted by Picasa

Oprah - Money maker or Child Saver?

Ok so tonight on MSN Tristan and I got into a heated discussion about my recent Oprah postings. What do you think?..... Am I just caught up in the whole media scheme of things? haha

Tristan: yeah and the sick thing is that something like that happens and the ones who really benefit from it are oprah and her cash cow of a show

Candice: ARE YOU SERIOUS?, she is trying to change the whole system

Tristan: sure they put a couple guys away, but it doesnt even come close to comparing to what it does for her publicity wise

Candice: what? Oprah doesnt need anymore publicity, she is using her money to change the US system, so that these guys are put away for life as soon as they sexually offend once, rather than going out and raping and killing a child, or worse.
No money or publicity compares to saving a childs life

Tristan: i dont disagree about saving lives yadada, I would respect it a lot more if it was a personal issue to her and she did it privately, or at least without flaunting it on her show

Candice: she is one of the only people who can reach out to everyone on this issue, her show is viewed worldwide, she doesnt need any more money, she is sick of seeing kids sacrificed by these sick men

Tristan: more endorsments, wider audience, more advertising revenue

Candice: Okay well Im getting frusterated here, I disagree with you on this issue

Tristan: sorry, I dont want to argue
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