Friday, March 10, 2006

Failure to Launch!

So I love Sarah Jessica Parker so much (I'm a Sex in the City addict!) that I had to see this movie! I also love Matthew McConaughey so I definately had to see this movie! Tonight Lisa, Quentin and I went to see "Failure to Launch" I sat in the middle with the bag of popcorn so I didn't feel like the third wheel! haha, it was a cute romantic comedy with lots of funny parts but that's about it!

The movie website is really funny! Click here to take a test to see if he still lives at home!

Check out Lisa's blog where she comments on the previews!

Scary Snow!

Tonigh I was caught in a blizzard on my way home from work. A drive that usually takes about 25 minutes took over an hour! Cars were stopped on the streets and buses were not moving. It was late and I just wanted to get home. It was really scary when I tried to go up a hill, but was stopped because cars were turning around. I could not go anywhere and decided to do a u-turn myself. I really didn't know what to do so I decided to call my dad who did not understand why I had woken him this late. What was I thinking?... he was going to come rescue me at midnight?! Haha!
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