Saturday, January 21, 2006

New World - Disaster!

Last night Ola and I went to join a bunch of friends at the movie theatre to take in a movie "The New World". It was not our pick, but we went anyways to join everyone seeing a movie that apparently got very good reviews.

Well... I fell asleep 15 minutes in (must have been my long week at work). The movie was so boring with subtitles and a bunch of indians running around yelling. It is supposed to be the real story of Pochahontos but I saw little resemblence. So we ended up leaving the movie (the other guys stayed) and on our way out the manager was so nice to give us free movie coupons for next time. The others also commented after how bad the movie was.

It has been a while since Ive given a bad review, I tend to love most movies I go see!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice site!

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