Thursday, November 24, 2005

Thursday is my longest day

I have realized over the last few weeks, that Thursday is my longest and most stressful day of the week. I get to school and I usually can't find parking, so I am sometimes late and have to walk a ways. I am at school for almost 7 hours, without a break, then I drive home in rush hour. By the time I am home I am starving, tired and have a headache. I know it sounds like I am complaining.. but this is so more people understand why I like to relax at home on Thursdays and have a bath and watch The OC!


Lisa's Diet said...

Candice I totally understand, and warm baths are the best :)

Anonymous said...

You know I get it Candice...I'm with you on these long Thursdays almost every step of the day! But we do have some good laughs....never forget the bags!!

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